Monday, March 24, 2008


So how do you know if your'e a mutant? what innate factors in your thoughts speech or actions would act as the perfect litmus test to help identify one as a pace setter and a diffrent being? First of all, let me start by making it clear that a perfect test for identifying mutuants does not ecxist. However, the following guidelines may be of help.
You must think diffrently. In every society, be it the business environment, the coprate office, the educational institution, the secret service and even the church, there seems to be a set pattern. A NORMAL WAY OF DOING THINGS. A set of arrows and directions proposed by a form of authority or even by a majority seem to define the course through which activities are carried out in any given organization.The mutant sees these directions as simply those...directions and not the norm.In essence, a mutant differs significantly in the way and manner which he or she approaches every day challenges.
Now, lets be very careful here. we are not reffering to some radical deviation and possible opposition of set authority.No! What we are reffering to is the ability to involuntarily see and sense a situation from a totally diffrent perspective.A perspective that though diffrent actually provides the most effective solution to a challenging problem.
At one point or the other in our lives, we have come across or heard of these people whom we may have termed strange or diffrent. Sometimes, we have come under fire from colleagues or family members who believe that we are unusual. They believe we have something running in our veins that makes us unique...and sometimes we ourselves have felt something calling us from within. something pushing us to do more, to make changes to scatter the norm and break free of all usual proceedures. Sometimes we ignore this call and dimiss it as childhood dreams replayed in our adulthood. Sometimes we are right.......but sometimes we are wrong.

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